Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Catching up...

Looks like we have some catching up to do on our website!  Check back here soon for some pics from activities this past spring, and more importantly - information about this fall's den meetings and other activities.

In the meantime, here is some quick info about upcoming activities this summer:

Rice Street Parade:   We will be walking in the Rice Street Parade on Thursday, July 25.  Let's meet at St. Bernards by 6:30 so we can carpool down to the lineup area on Sycamore Ave.  We'll be in position #43.

Camp Akela:  Join us August 9-11 as the Cub Scouts attend Camp Akela, at Phillippo Scout Reservation, near Cannon Falls.  Please contact Cubmaster James Frese for more information and to get signed up soon!