Thursday, December 13, 2012

December Announcements

Our December Pack Meeting and awards ceremony will be on Monday, Dec 17.  It will be from 7:00pm - 8:30pm.  Please bring a dessert to share!  Santa Claus will pay us a visit, and we'll play some games, as well. 

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Also, now that we have snow, it's time to sign up for Polar Cubs.

All Pack 66 scouts and their parents are invited to Polar Camp 2013! Some of the activities at Polar Cubs have included snow-tubing, broomball, obstacle course, winter nature activities, crafts, snowshoeing, capture the flag, and snow golf. A hot lunch is provided in the camp dining hall for everyone. Scouts and parents will learn how to keep warm and stay dry in the snow and cold. Webelos have the opportunity to be in a special Webelos program at Polar Cubs, designed just for them to learn about winter survival, animals and outdoor sports.

Click here to sign up online, or sign up on the paper form on Monday.

When? Sunday, Feb. 3, 2012 - 8am-4pm (approximately)
Where? Phillippo Scout Reservation in Cannon Falls, MN
How much? $30 per scout; $10 per adult
Health Forms? Yes - Health forms are required for scouts and parents

                             Click here to download a blank health form.