Monday, October 15, 2012

Popcorn popcorn popcorn!!!

A reminder that we are selling Trails End popcorn to support our Cub Scout Pack, and also the individual scouts within the pack!

Please ask people to make the checks out to "Pack 66".  
Order forms are due on Monday, October 29th. 
The popcorn will be delivered in mid-November.

So... what do popcorn sales help pay for?

Here are some of the anticipated costs for individual Cub Scouts 2012-2013:
Fall Camporee (Webelos only):  $20
  • Re-registering for 2013:  $30 
  • Polar Cubs:  $30 
  • Summer Camp (Cub Scouts):  $100-120 
  • Summer Camp (Boy Scouts):  $250 
  • Webelos Woods or Spring Camporee:  $20 

Some of the Pack expenses:
  • Pack Meetings
  • Awards 
  • Pinewood Derby cars