Fees are taken out of the boy's account. To cover a negative balance, you may write a check to Pack 66. Checks you write for your boy's account are not used as general pack funds.
The events coming up are:
- Archery Day, Saturday, January 10th. $8 per boy. Click here for more details.
- Polar Cubs day camp, Saturday, February 14th. $27 per boy, $9 per adult, lunch is included.
- Camp Akela overnight camp, Friday, August 7 through Sunday, August 9. Webelos can stay an extra day and leave on Monday, August 10. Cost for Akela is $90 for boys and adults. Cost for the Webelos Outpost extra day is $30 for boys and adults.
For some of these events, deposits will be required. These will come out of your boy's account. We will let you know if his account has a negative balance.