Tuesday, December 16, 2008
December Pack Meeting
Many thanks to everyone for making this meeting such a success. Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, and we'll see you at our next regular den meeting on January 5th!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Polar Camp 2009
Many parents have signed up already, and others are encouraged to sign up at the Pack Meeting on Dec. 15th. The cost is $27 per boy, and $9 per adult. Payment can be included with the signup, or the amount can be deducted from your child's scout account. We will then take these signups and reserve a spot for Pack 66.
More information about Polar Camp can be found at http://northernstarbsa.org/Camping/CubScout/Winter/.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bruce the Bug Guy
Words aren't enough to describe the joy brought to young scouts by these critters. Check out some pictures from the event!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What a Den Meeting!
Just a short note (and hopefully we'll get pictures), but at the October 13 den meeting, all but one of the Cub Scouts who showed up were in uniform. Wow!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Pack Committee Meeting Minutes from Oct. 9, 2008
Attending: Steve Andert, Holly Hugart, Jacob Hugart, Mike Donnelly, Todd Ballen, James Frese.
Como Park Zoo Day
This was an event for Cub Scouts and their families. Boys who attended were Max Donnelly, Gregory Ballen, Brandon Pranke, and John Andert.
Webelos Pin Day
Saturday, October 11, at Camp Phillippo. Jacob will be going to offer the Traveller pin.
ADDENDUM: Weather was perfect, there were dozens of boys. You don't have to be a leader to offer a pin, so parents of this year's Bear cubs may want to consider helping next year. No boy from Pack 66 was there.
Fall Festival
We decided to put out a sign-up sheet for the Fall Festival at Phillippo on October 18th. This is something the whole family can attend.
ADDENDUM: Jacob and family were the only ones who signed up, and the Festival was booked solid. This is something to look at for next year, but we'd want to get a sign-up sheet earlier.
Please get the list of names of boys who earned badges or beads to Jacob by Thursday, October 23rd. We probably have most things in stock. Let Jacob know of the boy attendance at any special trips or events, there may be associated patches.
In addition, please check with your boys on who may have recuited them to join Cub Scouts. The boy who did the recruiting can get a Recruiter badge to wear on the uniform.
Pony Beads
The consensus is that the pony bead reward program is working. The first den meeting, the boys seemed quieter. Remember, den leaders should award beads for a boy being present, for having his book, his uniform shirt, his neckerchief, etc. All leaders should look for chances to reward ANY boys for good behavior.
ADDENDUM: At a recent den meeting, all but one boy had a uniform on. And I'd suggest even awarding beads if the boy forgot his little container. (He only gets a bead patch if he can show the full container, though!) Again, if any leader needs more beads, let me know.
Halloween Potluck and Pack Meeting
The first full pack meeting will be held on Sunday, October 26, at 2 PM. We will be in Newell Park, at Fairview and Pierce Butler Route. While the shelters cannot be reserved in the off-season (it is first-come-first-served), there is a party in the building, so the restrooms will be open. Jacob can bring some wood for a small bonfire. Boys may come in costume or uniform. Adults are encouraged to sign-up for the potluck, and Jacob will get a sign-up list in place. We will hand out awards at the pack meeting.
ADDENDUM: Jacob got the sign-up list and map for the park out at yesterday's den meeting. He also had a reminder on the map that the 27th is off -- no den meeting. The next den meeting will be on November 3rd, when Officer Friendly will visit for a brief while. Jacob also plans to have the new Chronicle out.
Contact List
Jacob will get the contact information out to the leaders. He is working on a database to make it easier to track that information.
Butter Braids
Steve Andert will talk to Amy about what is needed to do the Butter Braids fundraiser. The goal would be to have the braids ready to pick up by the December pack meeting on the 15th. Jacob and Holly have a deep freeze which can be used for storage.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pack Committee Meeting Minutes from September 11, 2008
Present: Jacob Hugart, John Andert, William Schanks
Reminder of Leaders
James Frese is the Den 4 leader (Tiger Cubs).
Mike Donnelly & Todd Ballen are the Den 5 leaders (Wolf Cubs).
Steve Andert is the Den 1 leader (Bear Cubs).
NO ONE is the Den 2 leader (Webelos 1).
Fawn Yarker is the Den 3 leader (Webelos 2).
Jacob Hugart is Cubmaster.
Ken Alt is Assistant Cubmaster.
Lori Stafford is the Pack Committee Chair.
William Shanks & Holly Hugart are both Pack Committee Members.
John Stafford is the Chartered Organization Representative.
Amy Toby has agreed to help out with fundraising.
Join Cubs Night
Monday, September 15th, is our official Join Cubs night, but boys will probably trickle in over the next several den meetings. The weather looks to be sunny and clear, so we will plan on being in the Poppel lot across from the Parish Hall. Jacob will get the keys so the Parish Hall can be used for restroom breaks, we can get the flags, maybe a table, etc. Jacob will also make a sign for the doors to the church (the address of this was used in the district's free publicity they made for us!), and on the parish hall itself.
The event will start at 6:30 PM. Please arrive by 6 PM to help set-up; Jacob will probably be there by 5:45 PM, but call his cell to arrange something earlier (check e-mail). We will also need help afterwards to put stuff away. We have the following forms:
- Join Pack 66 brochure
- Cub Scout application form
- Health information form
- Vol. II, No. 1 issue of the Chronicle
- Como Zoo Day registration form
- Webelos Woods information
- Adult application form
A number of flyers have gone out. Because of some rules with the St. Paul Public Schools, we can't start submitting flyers until the 15th; Steve will get some flyers made up for the schools we are targeting: Crossroads, North End, and Bruce Vento.
Part of how we will make this work will be to have something going on for the boys all the time. There are three main things to accomplish: 1) Greeting, 2) Awards, and 3) Parent Talk.
1. Greeting
This is when parents get information, fill-out forms, write checks, etc. The boys could be hanging on to their parents, or meeting each other. Den leaders can use the Group Juggling Name Game (see e-mail) to help boys learn each others' names, or help boys define a den cheer. This can be animalistic, or rhyme with the den number, involve the rank or grade, or Webelos patrol; the Webelos 1 den should identify a patrol animal. (The Webelos 2 should have done this last year.) A list of pre-existing patrol emblems is at the Scout Stuff web site. Den Leaders should also make sure they have a list of their boys' names, that each boy knows which den they are in, and that each boy knows the Cub Scout sign and Cub Scout motto.
2. Awards
Some boys couldn't make the end-of-year picnic in June; others have been busy over the summer. We have a number of patches to give out. Jacob, as Cubmaster, will lead this, so the den leaders can focus on their dens.
3. Parent Talk
Jacob needs a chance to talk to the parents directly. This is when he re-iterates what we hope to do with Cub Scouting and their boys, and appeals for parents to join in with the leadership of the pack. During this talk, the den leaders can do some relay-type games with their dens. We have identified some already, and they should be described in an e-mail.
Remember, this is a uniform event!
Pony Bead Behavior
One thing we wanted to improve on this year is boy behavior. Earlier this summer, we decided to try using pony beads, available at the Scout shop, as a reward for model behavior.
Jacob has beads in different colors for different leaders, so see him if you need yours. They are in baggies right now:
- Tiger cub den leaders get orange.
- Wolf cub den leaders get yellow.
- Bear cub den leaders get light blue.
- First year Webelos den leaders get dark blue.
- Second year Webelos den leaders get red.
- Pack Committee members get green.
- The Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster get glow-in-the-dark.
Each baggie also has a small card of suggested rules. It reads as follows:
Establish a Den Code of Conduct. Give beads for behavior and manner, not achievement. A boy can receive beads from more than one leader for the same behavior. Boys should not trade beads. Seek out behavior in all boys to reward; be verbal, too. eads for wearing the uniform or bringing the handbook should only be from that boy's Den Leader. Establish Den rewards. Never take beads away as punishment!
A Code of Conduct should be written up on a large sheet of paper. (Jacob will bring some 11x17 paper to the first den meeting on the 22nd, we don't need to award beads before then.) It doesn't have to be nicely written paragraphs, but can be a list of what is OK, and what is not OK. The main idea is to have the boys define what is to be on the list, with some prompting from the den leader. After it is in good shape, the boys and den leader should all sign it at the bottom, and the den leader should bring it to each meeting. When new boys join later, they should read the code and sign it. Some things to include are points on language, physical activity, listening, bringing the book, etc.
Boys get things for working on their rank and electives, so we don't give beads for that. But if they do something in a cheerful way, or show politeness, give a bead for that.
If more than one leader sees a boy doing something in a nice way, they can all reward the boy with a bead. This is one way a boy can acquire beads of different colors, and is why it is good to seek out boys behaving the right way. In addition to a bead, be sure to say, "I'm glad to see you aren't running," or "I heard you say, 'Thank you' just then," in order to give verbal reinforcement to good behavior.
When it comes to den expectations, like wearing your uniform, bringing your handbook, etc., the den leader alone should award those beads. (A bead for each item is fine.)
Each boy will get a small white bottle when they pay their registration fee; we should only award beads to boys who have their bottle, else they have no where to keep the beads. If a boy fills his bottle -- it holds over 100 beads -- then we can get him a bigger container, and some sort of patch (Jacob will find one, unless someone else volunteers to look). When all the boys in the den have filled their white bottles, the den leader should have some reward that's for the whole den, like pizza or games or something. This can be worked out with the boys.
The boys will get to keep their beads; perhaps we can work out some craft for them for next summer.
Den Meeting Rules
Mark Hoonsbeen, who is our district chair and acting commissioner, offered these guidelines for the safety of our boys:
- Boys must come into the parish hall with a parent to sign in.
- Boys should sit down at their den's table, ready for the meeting.
- Absolutely no running or horseplay in the parking area.
- No running or horseplay in the building.
There is an insurance aspect to this as well, since boys who follow these rules are less likely to get hurt. We have to make sure that parents are each aware of the first point. Catching boys in the good behavior related to these items is worth awarding a bead.
Calendar Items
There are a number of upcoming events for which we need volunteers to coordinate:
Webelos Woods
This is for 2nd year Webelos only. Scheduled for September 26-28, 2008, at Phillippo; only the first night is required, but boys and parents are encouraged to stay the second night. The fee is $20 per boy or adult, and registrations are due by Friday, September 19th. Given that Fawn is the Webelos 2 den leader, it is assumed that she will track this. Jacob will mention this event at Join Cubs night.
Cub Scout Como Zoo Day
This is scheduled for October 4, 2008, and runs from 9:45 AM to 12 Noon. This is a self-registering event, so we do not need a coordinator for it; we will have copies of the registration flyer at Join Cubs night for families that want to go.
Fall Festival
Siblings of Cub Scouts may attend this event. We've scheduled this for October 18th, but it also runs the 16th, 17th, and 19th at Phillippo. The event runs from 9 AM to 3 PM, and lunch is provided. The full fee is due on September 22nd, and is non-refundable. Cub Scouts and siblings 6 and older are $25; adults are $6; siblings under 6 are free. This is an outdoor event, so dress for the weather and prepare to walk a lot. We need a colunteer to coordinate this, gather health forms, and handle check-in and check-out at the event. Jacob will mention this at Join Cubs night.
Polar Cubs
We've scheduled this for February 21, 2009, at Phillippo. Reservations open October 6, 2008, and are total fees are due November 21, 2008. A non-refundable deposit of $10 per boy and $4 per adult is needed to make a reservation; the total fee is $27 per boy and $9 per adult. Each adult and boy should have an up-to-date health form. The volunteer should go to be the pack's contact for check-in and check-out.
Camp Akela
We've decided to scedule this for the first full weekend in August, 2009: August 7-9. This way, families can plan around it now. We need a volunteer who will handle registration, gather health forms, and deal with check-in and check-out.
Leader Training
This is a reminder that the district is trying for 100% training for all leaders who are in direct contact with boys -- den leaders, cubmasters, etc. Pack committee members are generally exempt, but it doesn't hurt to have everyone fully trained.
Full training includes:
- Fast Start Training -- This is on-line
- New Leader Essentials -- This is the one with that picnic video
- Position-Specific Training -- The break-out sessions after NLE
- Youth Protection Training -- You can take this on-line
According to the district records, we don't have many people trained in their position, and no one has officially taken the Youth Protection Training. You can find the NLE and Position-specific training dates and locations on the council's training site: http://training.nsbsa.org/ Please note that Kaposia (the district just south of us) has a training morning on September 27th. Training is free, or might involve a small fee to cover any refreshments the sponsoring unit provides.
If you take a class and want to be sure it gets recorded, please let Jacob know. Normally, tracking who needs and has what training would be the job of the Pack Trainer, and is itself an official position for which we should find a volunteer.
BALOO -- Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation -- is good for any leader who will be involved in any camping or outdoor event planning at Scouting reservations, and needs to know the rules and guidelines. OWLS -- Outdoor Webelos Leader Skills -- is a full day of things a Webelos den leader should know, such as pitching a tent, cooking, knots, etc.
We talked of selling Fall flower bulbs again, from Dutch Mill bulbs. We imagine that we'll have to get order forms right away, but we need a volunteer to check on this.
More Leaders
Jacob has asked Mark Hoonsbeen to check the list of former Eagle scouts to see if any are in our area and would like to join our pack as leaders. We could use a Webelos 1 leader, and there are other positions we could fill, too.
Action Items
Jacob will bring 11x17 paper to the first den meeting on the 22nd. He will also get the keys for the parish hall and make signs so that people who go to the church or the parish hall will know where we plan to meet. He will also mention Webelos Woods, the Fall Festival, and other things for the Chronicle. He plans to be at St. Bernard's by 6 PM at the latest, to get things set up and get ready.
Steve will get flyers made for the public schools, including their specific wording.
- Webelos 1 leader (Jacob is pinch-hitting for this)
- Fall Festival coordinator
- Fundraiser for Fall Bulbs
- Polar Cubs coordinator
- Camp Akela coordinator
- Pack Trainer
Monday, September 8, 2008
Join Cub Scout Pack 66 !!
If you can't make it, please e-mail cubmaster@hugart.net or call Jacob Hugart at 651-487-2490.
Location: St. Bernard's Parish Hall or the lot across Rose street from there. (see map link to the right)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Camp Akela
This past weekend, five boys from Pack 66 and their dads went to Camp Akela, an overnight camp for incoming Tigers through first-year Webelos. Camp Akela is held at Phillippo Scout Reservation in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.
Everyone tried to arrive by 6:00 PM on Friday in order to get in line for swim checks. (We agreed that it would be worthwhile to arrange swim checks ahead of time next summer; that meeting could also be used to distribute copies of the camp information and answer any questions.) Because there's no dinner served on Friday, the folks in our car snacked on sandwiches and granola bars, and candy bars, on the trip down.
We were in a couple of tent platforms in the northernmost section of Kaa, one of the southern camps, fairly close to the athletic field and dining hall. Most of us dumped our stuff then headed to the pool for the swim check. Afterwards, we went back to camp and unpacked. There was no big campfire program Friday night; that was set for Saturday night. We decided not to do a campfire of our own (we had one of the two fire rings in Kaa), so the boys played flashlight tag until 10:00 PM, when we did our bedtime business and got to sleep.
This was the big day. It rained a little overnight. We got up, showered (our showers were at the pool building), and had a hot breakfast of sausage and french toast sticks with syrup. Then it was the morning flag ceremony, and discovering the boys' den assignments. All the boys of a certain rank are put into dens with a staff member as leader, to be guided to the different activities.
Thomas's den started with animals, which included pony rides, goats, a llama, chickens, and pigs. There was a talk ahead of time which addressed some of the achievements and electives for the Bear rank.
Then it was time for swimming in the pool. The water was clear and warm, and everyone seemed to have fun splashing around in the water.
Then we went boating. Because Thomas is a non-swimmer, he can't do the canoes; he is allowed in a rowboat as long as there is a swimmer to go with him. We got life jackets, and were part of six people in a rowboat. We let the boys row, trading off, and we spent a lot of time in circles as well as actually moving in some straight lines.
Then it was lunchtime! And what a choice: Foot-long hot dogs with tater tots. You can imagine what the boys thought of that. (There was also a salad bar, as there always is at lunch and dinner.)
After lunch, it was time for archery. The boys learned which was their dominant eye, since the instructor said that was more important than which hand was dominant. Thomas, though right-handed, is left-eyed. Even though not all his arrows hit the target, he was happy with the distance his arrows flew.
Then we had BB guns. Thomas scored at least one bull's-eye, and got several in the white area.
(There may be some electives where archery or BB guns apply, but after completing a round of either one, a boy qualifies for the Belt Loop for that activity. The belt loops were for sale at the Trading Post, but the pack will pay for it the first time a boy achieves it.)
After the shooting sports, it was time for more swimming! Each den gets two chances at the pool during the regularly scheduled activities on Saturday and Sunday.
After that it was time for the flag lowering. Then the southern camps got to eat dinner (breaded chicken patty with mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, a roll, and a personal apple pie) while the northern camps got to play some games. After dinner and games the whole of Camp Akela went to the main campfire ring to watch the staff do skits, lead us in songs, and generally provide some evening entertainment. As dusk fell and the bats came out, it was time to go back to our camps.
Saturday night we decided to light a fire in our ring, and discovered that the office paper of some redundant copies of the medical forms didn't burn easily! We eventually got the fire going, and told some spooky stories; then we doused the fire and walked out to the athletic field to look at the stars, as the sky was very clear. We saw the Big Dipper and other constellations, and even noticed a couple of satellites. Then it got breezy and cool, so we went back to our camp to go to sleep.
The Cannon Falls, Minnesota, low temperature for Sunday, August 10th, was 48 degrees Fahrenheit! Normally it is twelve degrees higher. We woke with a shiver, had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns, then showered. The morning continued with another flag ceremony, after which we broke into our dens for the last three scheduled activities.
First, it was crafts. The Bears got to make a tool chest of their very own. Then we went behind the cabin where we did the crafts, and the boys learned about pocket knife safety.
They were each given a knife and a bar of Ivory soap, and got a chance to carve whatever they wanted, learning to keep the knife away from their body, to make sure they had a safety circle before begining, and to rotate the work, not the knife. Then they dumped the soap shavings, and washed off the knife with water. Finally, they learned to sharpen the knife with a whetstone.
After reading the points of pocket knife safety and handling, they got to sign their Whittling Chip Card, which allows them to carry a pocket knife to Cub Scout activities. They should have the card when they have the knife. If any adult leader sees the boy violating the rules -- like walking with an open knife, or using a knife when they don't have a clear safety circle -- the leader can clip off a corner of the Whittling Chip Card. If a boy loses all four corners, then he has to re-learn the steps and the rules before he can get another Whittling Chip Card.
After the knife skills, it was nature studies; specifically, conservation, erosion, and the water cycle. They then played a tag game that fit the ideas, so that the "water" couldn't tag boys who were heavier than silt, then sand could be tagged, then gravel, then rocks.
Then it was time to clean up camp, to pack up our stuff and take it to the car. We had to return the campsite to the condition in which we found it. Then we got a "Get Out of Camp Free" card for our leader (yours truly) to use to get the health forms back, and patches for the adults and boys.
After cleaning up the camp, it was time for lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwiches with Sun Chips and a cookie. Then we had 90 minutes of free time to do anything the boys wanted; they could split their time between different activities if they wished. Thomas opted to spend the whole time in the swimming pool.
Then we got into the car and headed for home.
Next year, the Bears will be first-year Webelos. Instead of riding ponies, they will get to climb the 35-foot high climbing tower. And they can register to attend Webelos Outpost, spending Sunday night in a different part of Phillippo, and going home Monday afternoon. (I believe the boys get to cook breakfast for their parents!)
Everyone seemed to have a good time, and looked forward to going back next year.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Let the Summer Begin!
Some boys and adult leaders have earned service pins and other awards; Jacob Hugart, the Cubmaster, has these. Please see him at one of our summer events:
- Fishing at Sucker Creek, Highway 96 and Rice street, 11 AM on June 28th (we'll supply the bait, but tackle and licensing are up to you!)
- Interstate Park Pothole Trail, Taylor's Falls, MN, 9 AM on July 19th (we'll meet at St. Bernard's and carpool up there)
- Rice Street Parade, gathering TBD, 6 PM on July 23rd (it ends by Hearthside Pizza at Wheelock and Rice streets)
- Camp Akela, Phillippo Scout Reservation, 6 PM on August 8th until 3 PM on August 10th (pre-registration is required; Webelos can do the outpost afterwards)
- Mini Golf at Putter There, Como Park, 6 PM on August 18th (boys can earn their belt loop if they play 9 holes and follow the rules)
Check our calendar for updated times and information. Also, we should have flyers for upcoming events if you attend an earlier summer event.
Our Join Cubs night will be Monday, September 15th, in the vacant lot across from the Parish Hall. Please plan to stay the whole time!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Final Pack Meeting - Saturday, June 14
Time: 11:00am - 2:00pm.
Place: Newell Park (Fairview Ave. and Pierce Butler Route)
Bring something tasty to share, and we hope to see you there!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Pack outing to Fort Snelling on Sunday, June 1
We learned a lot about what life was like in the fort in the 1820's for soldiers, officers, women, and children. And what's a military fort without musket and cannon demonstrations?
More photos here!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Pack 66 & Troop 66 Help Clean Up the Neighborhood
After the clean-up, we went into the St. Bernard's cafeteria, washed our hands, and enjoyed some pizza and soda pop.
This is an annual event, every May, and also qualifies as an elective or a rank achievement for Cub Scouts.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Red Cross Visit to Pack 66
Cub Scouts learned the difference between big and little injuries, and that big injuries were emergencies, for which they should call 911.
They learned that taking a deep breath or three to calm themselves was good. And they learned the three steps to dealing with an emergency:
- Check
- Call
- Care
Checking the area to make sure that there was no danger, or else the person helping could get hurt, too. Then check the person who is hurt to see what is wrong.
Call 911, or call an adult. You need to say where the hurt person is, who you are, what your phone number is, and how the person seems to be hurt. Never hang up on the 911 operator until they say you may.
Then you go stay with the hurt person and care for them. Hold their hand, tell them help is on the way.
Finally, we took a look at the disaster kit the Red Cross brought, the sort of thing you might have in a car: some items included a blanket, water, first aid kit, games, radio, and medicine.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Pinewood Derby
Here are a few photos from the event.
Here's a short YouTube video of some of the races.
And the winners are...
Pack Rankings - these boys go to District on April 12 | |||||
Den 5 Rankings (Tiger) | Den 1 Rankings (Wolf) | ||||
Den 2 Rankings (Bear) | Den 3 Rankings (Webelos I) | ||||
Den 4 Rankings (Webelos II) | Artistic Awards given by the judges: | ||||
Siblings | Adults | ||||
Fun-round, with the number one car in each category (cub scouts, siblings, adults): |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Minutes from the Pack Committee
Present: John Stafford, Cece Stafford, Amy Toby, Candy Roth, Jim Roth, James Frese, William Schanks, Holly Hugart, Jacob Hugart.
Absent: Lori Stafford, Ken Alt, Mike Donnelley.
Lori will be doing the rechartering. Jacob will call her to see what else she needs to know. It turns out that Steve Andert may be interested in being a Den Leader. Jacob will call him and find out. Rechartering has to be done this month.
Pinewood Derby
Saturday the 15th! Jacob will pick up the keys on Friday, and turn them over to John to run the Doughnuts on Palm Sunday (see below). Jacob will open the parish hall and gym by 8:30 AM. The weigh-in starts at 11 AM, and ends at 11:45 AM. The racing starts at noon. After it is done, we'll award the trophies and certificates.
We reviewed the roles people would have.
Weighers: John, Jacob, Jim.
Bracketeers: Fawn & Amy.
Car Carriers: Jeremiah & Akio.
Finish Line: John & Sheldon.
Car Chief: John.
Final Judge: John Stafford (he has no vested interests).
The following people are going to bring stuff:
Jim & Candy: Track, display rack, chips/pennies, tape (for decorations), scales, track clearance test strip.
Amy: Glue guns, rule book.
John: Dots for numbering cars, scales, drill, washers.
Lori: Decorations, Awards (4 trophies for best of pack; 4 trophies for best paint job, best workmanship, best design, and best did-it-yourself car; 3 trophies for top three sibling cars; 3 pins for best top three adult cars).
Jacob: Certificates (3 for top three cars in each den; 4 for the track officials (Boy Scout Troop 66, providing security); one "Driver's License" for each boy participating).
Someone is bringing survey tape to isolate the track and judging areas from the public.
Jacob will make an announcement on the rules before the race (for example, you cannot repair a car that falls apart, but you can repair your car if it is damaged by a collision caused by another car), and reminding people that this isn't about winning or losing but about having fun doing.
A reminder: The top three of the pack go to the district derby on April 12. The 4th-place finisher gets to go if any one of the top three cannot attend (people move up as needed).
Friends of Scouting
This is part of the income that helps the district and council operate. Each pack is given a target; we are $50 shy of our target. If we meet it, then we get our pack's derby cars and rank patches FREE next year. To this end, Jacob will make an announcement at the Derby that we'd like people to consider donating some extra cash that day; also, Lori will have a couple of baskets that will be raffled off at 25 cents a raffle ticket. We hope that this will help us make the target.
The Butterbraids and Spring Bulbs are both due on the Monday, March 17 den meeting (Jacob will announce this at the Derby). Orders must be paid in advance; if a cub didn't get the money from the people placing the order, then the cub (or his family) must make up the difference. No orders will be accepted after the den meeting. We really hope we can order at least 100 butterbraids, since then we can get free shipping.
Butterbraids will arrive around 6 PM on Monday, April 7, which is the Blue & Gold dinner. Some volunteers will be needed to help sort them out so people can take them home (we'll keep them in the parish hall kitchen freezer until then). We will probably set up the potluck first, so people can eat, then we will do the ceremonies and finally disburse the braids.
Spring Bulbs will arrive a week later.
After the orders are in on March 17, we will know where the boys are financially, and be able to decide if we need another fundraiser this spring.
Boy Advancement
We discussed how well the boys are doing at reaching their rank requirements this year; ideally, we'd like every active boy to reach their rank. It was suggested that photocopying pages from the handbook, to give to the boys' parents, will help the parents.
We had a sign-in/sign-out sheet at last Monday's den meeting, and most people seemed to use it. There were a couple parents who didn't come in with their boy, and we need to stress to them the reasons for doing so:
- Safety: The boy isn't walking alone through a parking lot where many vehicles may be moving.
- Flexibility: Sometimes den meetings get cancelled when not enough leaders can be present, and having a boy discover that the door is locked after his parent has left would be unfortunate.
- Security: We also want parents to come in to get the boys. We do not know who may be waiting outside for the boys.
The district would like us to do a spring recruitment drive. We agreed that we'll see about getting the free council posters that have our meeting times on them distributed to our local schools, but won't plan any special event.
We will focus on working with local schools to schedule fall recruiting efforts. Boy talks are probably easier to arrange now than in September. Some local schools even go beyond 5th grade, and could be a source for Troop 66.
Adult Leaders
Jim and Candy Roth will be too busy this fall to be leaders; Jim is willing to be our Derby trackmaster, but we'll still have to find out what to do for Candy's den. Amy will have a new baby and isn't sure what she will be able to do for the pack, but could probably still help with fundraisers. James Frese might want to try being a Tiger Cub den leader in order to keep up with his youngest son, who will start in the fall. All the others seem willing to keep on in their current roles. The plea was made that if anyone knows someone who is interested in doing more to direct them to Jacob. Steve Andert's name was mentioned as someone interested in den leadership.
Palm Sunday
Owing to some miscommunication, St. Bernard's didn't inform us until recently that this Sunday was set aside for the scouts to do Doughnuts. John will be there Sunday morning, and will welcome volunteers, especially around the 11 AM surge.
June 14 Pack Meeting
Our end-of-year pack meeting is schedules for Saturday, June 14 (Flag Day) at Newell Park, the same place where we had the Halloween meeting (this is on Pierce Butler Route and Fairview). We have the shelter from 7:30 AM until 2:30 PM. Lori reserved this for $49 out of her own pocket, and the pack will need to repay her.
May 5 Pack Meeting
The May 5th pack meeting will be converted back to a den meeting; this way, we don't have awards going out too frequently. John will contact the Catholic Aid society to see if we can arrange a neighborhood clean-up effort on a Saturday in May, ideally the third Saturday (the first two are fishing openers in Wisconsin and Minnesota).
University of Scouting
The council-wide training program will be offered on Saturday, April 12, from 8 AM to 5 PM. This is an excellent place to get training you can't get elsewhere, on topics from cooking at camp to working with ADHD or Austistic kids, to how to conduct a flag ceremony. Attending this is often a requirement for cub scout leader knot awards. You can also get training for your next den leader position (although this is usually free through other venues).
The meeting ended before 8:30 PM.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Pinewood Derby Workshops
The next couple of Mondays (March 3rd and 10th), we will be using our den meeting time for the scouts to get a good start on shaping their Pinewood Derby race cars. We'll supply (and operate) a band saw and sander, plus assorted hand tools. Scouts should bring their derby car kits and their creativity!
The Pinewood Derby and Pack Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 15, 11am - 5pm.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Bowling Night
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Polar Camp 2008
On Saturday, Feb 16, we played at Polar Camp at Phillippo Scout Reservation, near Cannon Falls. The weather was perfect, and we had a great day in the snow, playing capture the flag, snow 'soccer', snow tubing, and other stuff.
Click here to see more polar pictures!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Raingutter Regatta
Ahoy, matey! Here are some pictures from our 1st Annual Raingutter Regatta, held on January 26, 2008.